Royal Realism: An Age Gap Spicy Fake Relationship Royal Romance (Royal Ruse Book 2) by Winters Maude

Royal Realism: An Age Gap Spicy Fake Relationship Royal Romance (Royal Ruse Book 2) by Winters Maude

Author:Winters, Maude
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Palas Publishing LLC
Published: 2024-03-29T00:00:00+00:00




“Can you not do it yourself?”

Trying to pull together an outfit at Natalie and Ed’s place in Kensington Palace, I stand in our guest room in boxers and socks. If I wonder why I can hear Natalie’s voice as if she is in the same room, it’s because she’s standing right there. The women of the family have zero boundaries.

“I don’t know how. I need someone to do it,” Kiersten says.

Natalie snickers. “You realise how you sound, right?”

“Fuck. Off!” I’ve tried my best to hide behind the wardrobe door.

As Kiersten audibly slaps Natalie on the arm, I cannot help but laugh.

“Don’t you encourage her!” Natalie calls. “She’s going to get a complex being the lady of her own household.”

“Just because you loathe it doesn’t mean we all must.” That’s Nira’s voice.

My cousin Nira. Her cousin Nira.

“Nira, holy hell! Get out of here!”

“Are you in pants?” Nira asks.

“Yes,” I try my hardest to stay out of view.

“Well, put on some trousers!”

“I am trying. But the entirety of the Lyons women showed up in full force in my room while I was changing. Why are you here?”

“There is a hair ornament emergency. I was told there was,” Nira says.

“It’s a tiara, is it not?”

“It’s not,” all three say in unison.

I don’t understand why they are glaring at me like this. Kiersten looks downright annoyed with me right now.

“Sorry… I⁠—”

“I have the special pins if that helps,” now, Aunt Rebecca and Victoria arrive. Brilliant. I may have frequently made fun of our two-bedroom situation at Skaugum, feeling it was ridiculous, but I now understand why it is beneficial.

“Is everyone here? Can you not… go elsewhere?”

“Everything’s covered. Calm down,” Natalie says. “Don’t be a weirdo.”

“Also, it’s nothing I haven’t seen. Olav, I changed more diapers in the times I visited you than your mother did over the course of your infancy.”

That’s likely true. My mother was not a hands-on mother. Meanwhile, my aunt was practically “granola” as Lucy and Natalie say. However, it’s just so annoying to have them all up in my business.

“I’m a grown man, Aunt Bex!” I protest. “And this is no emergency.”

“Olav, it is an emergency if I say it is an emergency,” Kiersten says.

Victoria and Natalie snicker at her serious tone. It’s not put on. She’s cross with me now.

“I’m just… it’s just hair.”

I struggle to put on my trousers and button my shirt while Kiersten glares.

“I just meant… it’s not like you will die, elskling.”

Our aunt is now assembling the tiara-not-tiara on her head. She’s still glaring. It’s the look I previously saw her mother shoot her father when he was treading on thin ice. Good times!

“When assembled, go next door. George, Pat, and Ed have escaped.” Natalie looks like she would want to escape as well.

Normally, Natalie was the first to join us. She fled the primp space. Kiersten, meanwhile, appreciates the time with our million female cousins.

“Thanks,” I say.

“How is your dresser not here? I swear to God, Nat!”

“I let her go. She’s got an off day tomorrow because she must handle all of us for the Garden Party.


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